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boat trailer bearings

boat trailer bearings
Author :Admin | Publish Date:2012-09-18 18:28:00
Nothing is more heart-breaking than having trouble with your "boat trailer bearings" while on the way to that big fishing trip. You can prevent trouble by replacing the boat trailer wheel bearings before they go bad. It’s a simple procedure that can be performed by most do-it-yourselfers. You will find that it is much easier to perform this task without the boat on the trailer. In fact, I would suggest that you do it with the boat on the trailer only in case of an emergency.

Repacking wheel bearings on boat trailer bearings is a regular maintenance project. Overlook this task and you will be stranded beside the road when your wheel falls off! It is not hard to repack the bearings on a small trailer with no brakes, as you don't need to back off the shoes or bleed the caliper.

-But bearings require regular maintenance, such as greasing, to keep them rolling. With enough wear and tear, you may even have to replace them. If you own a trailer or plan to use one soon, it pays to recognize how bearings work and how to keep them in good repair.I prefer to do it with the trailer attached to the truck, as it's less likely to fall off the jack. Be careful jacking up the trailer, and don't get under it.

Put the outer skf bearing over the axle and into the hub, replace washer if your trailer has one, and then screw the nut on finger tight only!. Wiggle the wheel, hold it straight by pushing on the top, and tighten the nut. Often it helps to turn the wheel while turning the nut. Do not use a wrench unless you have to because of bad threads! The nut is also the adjustment for bearing play, it must not be too tight! As the bearings warm going down the highway they expand, if the nut is too tight they have no room to expand and will dissintegrate, or fall apart. Continue to wiggle and turn the wheel as you tighten the nut until you feel no play in the wheel, then you know you have it
too tight!

Servicing a wide variety of Magic Tilt boat trailer bearings parts. Whether you are searching for Magic Tilit Boat Trailer Parts or boat trailers, we have what you need. Browse through our boat trailer bearings list and see if there's any hub or bearing part that you might have a comment, question or concern about. Our trailer technicians are here to help you with all of your Magic Tilt Trailer Part needs Nothing lasts forever, including boat trailer bearings. Trailer wheel bearings need to be replaced because backing the trailer into the water to launch a boat will wash the grease from wheel hubs and bearings. Towing the boat trailer with grease-free wheel bearings is the best way to destroy them. Replacing trailer ina bearings is relatively simple, especially for the accomplished do-it-yourselfer. Routine wheel-bearing maintenance is the best way to avoid premature bearing failure.


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